The Inclusive Workplace

Creating thriving and inclusive workplaces

The Government of Canada funded work for a website to help employers understand how to hire and train neurodiverse people. It also helped those with autism or an intellectual disability to understand how to find work.



The greatest challenge on this project was the little research for the target personas for this website and, therefore, little known about the content needed for the website and the training materials. Plus, we were under a time crunch to get this website published as soon as possible in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic.

My role

UX researcher and information architect. I engaged stakeholders, interviewed potential users, created personas with tasks and topics, then created a content strategy and information architecture.

Skill used

User interviews, stakeholder engagement, content strategy, information architecture


Before creating a user research plan, I interviewed different stakeholders on the project to figure out who they thought would be using their website as well as more about their mandate from the Government of Canada.

Once I knew more about who could potentially use the website, I created a user interview plan and conducted interviews with two different target audiences. The end result was personas and journey maps

Once I had the persona and journey maps, I created the site map. This was a new site without any existing content. The user interviews revealed the information that potential readers needed to know.

The global navigation labels were created based on the process that job seekers go through to find a job and that employers go through to hire someone.

I tested the site map with the different personas to ensure it worked for both these audiences. The tasks were different for the different audiences, so did two different task tests with different questions. In this way, I tested the whole site map and not just the job seeker or employer portions.

To finish, I handed off the materials to a content writer and an interaction designer. I also worked with a team who creates training materials to teach them how to use the personas for their work.