Website content review packages

Are you looking for an expert review of your website? Quick wins? Or maybe you want to know how to approach a website content redesign for your particular situation.

The services packages below are meant to be affordable options to get you started on improving your website and your organization’s effectiveness or profit.

Choose a package based on your needs…

All these packages focus on reviewing the content on your site and do not focus on the interaction design. I look at the navigation, the site structure, the page layouts, plus the page titles, headings and subheadings.

Note that prices below are subject to change without notice.

Website content quick fixes

The website content quick wins package includes the following:

  • 30 minute introductory call

  • Reviewing up to 100 pages of your website content

  • A findings and quick wins presentation

  • A meeting to discuss the findings with you

  • One update to the presentation based on the discussion

Why choose this service?

  • You want an expert opinion

  • You’re looking for quick wins that you can easily implement

  • You want a low-risk assessment

  • You’re want to learn and implement before investing more money


$1200 + tax as applicable

Audit and priorities

The audit and priorities package includes:

  • 30 minute introductory call

  • Review of existing marketing or user personas and any existing website strategy

  • Follow up call to discuss the review and ask any further questions

  • Review of up to 100 pages of your website content

  • Findings, quick wins, and task list for improving the content and structure, with task prioritization

  • Findings presentation and meeting to discuss with you

  • One update to the presentation based on the discussion

Why choose this service?

  • You want an expert opinion

  • You have marketing research, personas, and existing strategy

  • You have capacity to do more work on your website, based on recommendations


$2000 + tax as applicable

Assessment and redesign approach

This service includes:

  • 30 minute introductory call

  • Review of existing marketing or user personas, content analytics, and any existing website strategy

  • Accessibility review according to WCAG 2.0 level A standards

  • Follow up call to discuss the review and ask any further questions

  • Review of up to 200 pages of your website content

  • Findings presentation and meeting to discuss with you

  • Website content redesign approach that includes the tasks needed for discovery, strategy, and redesign

  • Approach presentation and meeting to discuss with you

  • One update to the approach based on our discussion

Why choose this service?

  • You have marketing research, personas, and existing strategy

  • You have more capacity to do more work on your website, based on recommendations

  • You are looking at a more complete content redesign and need more information and education on how a website content project works

  • You want to make connections with a content structure expert and build a long term relationship


$3000 + tax as applicable

How to get started

The next step is to set up a meeting with me to discuss what your needs are. You can book an appointment with me using the Calendly link below.